Logo for Friendly Friday Photo Challenge hosted by TheSandyChronicles and SomethingToPonderAbout

After two months of Stay-at-Home isolation, I’m going stir crazy.  I think about all the things I’d like to do that are not at-Home.  Things that I crave for in spring time, when the days are getting longer and the weather is so much nicer.

For this week’s Friendly Friday Photo Challenge I ask you to share a post, a photo or even a recipe depicting your  ISOLATION CRAVINGS.   I’ll tell you some of mine. 

Lately I’ve been craving food that’s not my home cooking.  Food like Cantonese style Sweet and Sour Pork. Tender morsels of expertly fried pork encased in a crunchy batter and coated with a light and tangy sauce.  I want it in my favorite Chinese restaurant, seated at my favorite booth, served straight from the kitchen. I want to eat it fresh and piping hot. When it’s crispy and crunchy and at its best.

If these were normal times, I would have already taken a plane and flown to Vancouver Island for the summer. I’d be walking the Wild Pacific trail or visiting the beaches. I crave the smell of the ocean, the sound of breaking waves and the endless vistas of sea, shore and sky.

But if I can’t be on the island then I want to be in the city.  I want to be surrounded by hipsters and students, journeymen and professionals, bicyclists and pedestrians. I crave the vibrancy of the city. The honk of traffic and the noise of construction. I want to descend into a busy subway station and in between the roar of trains, I want to hear the sweet sound of musicians playing jazz.

How about you?  What do you crave after all these weeks of home isolation?  Feel free to share a photo, write a story  or borrow a video to illustrate your craving.   I look forward to reading your thoughts on ISOLATION CRAVINGS. 

Remember to include a link to this post and a comment below,  so that I and others can find your response.

If you’re new to Friendly Friday, full instructions on how to participate can be found here.

This week’s challenge for ISOLATION CRAVINGS goes up to Thursday, after which Amanda at StPA will post a new Friendly Friday challenge.

A reminder that Amanda and I are doing something different with Friendly Friday. Every month, we will host a guest post with the first challenge of the month.

Last week, Ju-Lyn from All Things Bright and Beautiful shared her recipe for a different type of dessert: Basque Burnt CheesecakeDid you miss it? You can have a look here.

Would you like to feature your blog in a future Friendly Friday Guest Post?   It’s as easy as  sending a message to  Sandy at TheSandyChronicles  and Amanda  at  SomethingToPonderAbout.

Toronto, Canada.  May 2020


    1. Thanks for thinking of me, but really don’t! It’s not in the Friendly Friday rules and my preferences are not even guidelines 🙂
      Happy belated Birthday Manja! Wishing you as many more!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Welcome to Friendly Friday Charlotte! I’m always glad to meet new bloggers and I hope to see more of you.
      For the guest post, can you do me a favor and contact me via email on my About page? Then we can talk directly offline. Cheers – Sandy

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmm. Sweet & sour pork has universal appeal. It’s very hard to make at home because of the deep frying and it not good for take-out because it gets all soggy.
      Glad to have you back in Friendly Friday Suvi!


      1. Well, I guess most of us feel like that. I had an Uncle who was in the navy for 40 odd years, and he did not under any circumstance want to be by the sea. He reckoned he had seen plenty of water in his lifetime. It was nothing but blue during the day and black at night, was his view of the water!

        Liked by 1 person

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