Friendly Friday: MORNING RITUALS

The world according to me, is divided into two types of people – those who Wake-up-and-GO and those who Wake up and Get There Eventually. I belong to the latter group and need two cups of coffee to get me on the road to Eventually. Whatever your type, everyone has their routine and morning rituals to kick-start their day.

This week’s Friendly Friday Photo Challenge is to share pictures of MORNING RITUALS 

Are you one of those people who wakes up, goes for a run and then gets a cup of coffee? Or do you wake up already late and grab something on the way? Perhaps, coffee is not your thing. Would you rather have some tea? Perhaps a mug of fresh soya milk and today’s newspaper?

Easy on Sunday Morning (Singapore)

Maybe the beverage isn’t the most important part of waking up. A full English breakfast provides enough fuel for today and tomorrow. According to this article, a typical ‘fry-up’ includes eggs, sausages, back bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, baked beans and hot buttered toast. It can also include black pudding, something which I gather is not a sweet chocolate dessert.

Full English Breakfast –

A lighter, fast food breakfast comes from McDonald’s. Whenever I’m on the road, an Egg McMuffin is my breakfast sandwich of choice. In Canada, the Meal comes with hash browns. I like the healthier option in Japan, where it comes with a salad in a cup. A salad in a cup might seem awkward to eat. The secret is to eat the salad with chopsticks!

Egg McMuffin Meal (Japan)

Some morning rituals don’t involve food. Every morning in Hong Kong’s Bird market, song bird owners visit the nearby gardens to walk and ‘air’ their birds. The elaborate bird cages are hung from rafters and both humans and birds delight in the peace and tranquility of the surroundings.

I look forward to seeing your photos of MORNING RITUALS. Feel free to use your photo archives or better still, plan to take some pictures tomorrow morning.

Remember to include a link to this post and a comment below.

If you’re new to Friendly Friday, full instructions on how to participate can be found here.

This week’s challenge for MORNING RITUALS goes up to Thursday, after which Amanda at StPA will post a new Friendly Friday challenge.

Toronto, Canada.  September 2020


  1. What a fabulous post idea. Too bad I missed it.
    I have to check all the answers you received to this prompt.
    As always, your photos are perfect and inspirational!


  2. What a lovely idea, Sandy!! And that photo from Japan just made me so nostalgic and the one from Singapore (this one reminded me of my father with his morning newspaper). I have never been much of a morning person but I find now that early bird does catch the worm! However, I still prefer to not be that early bird 😀 😀
    Here with my late afternoon post on a Thursday 😦

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    1. Although I’ve never managed to finish a full English, I remember the joy of having one when I visited London decades ago. It was my first time in Britain and I remember breakfast being the best meal of the day.

      I love how you start your day Graham. You are a very lucky guy!

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    1. A kindered spirit … but not Sudoku for me. I read my WP Comments log and if I’m lucky I get nice ‘good morning’ comment to start my day. After the first coffee, I’ll up to tackling the news feeds.

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  3. After the first ban on buffets in German hotels, they are apparently up and going again (I haven’t been staying in a hotel for a while). The notable difference: you put on your mask, walk up to the buffet and tell a waiter what you want and he puts it on your plate. Probably smiling at you, behind the mask.


    1. Here in Toronto we’ve only just opened restaurants for dine-in service. I somehow doubt that serve-yourself buffets are open though. Many restaurants are closing down, the long closures and new restrictions on seating etc. is too much for these businesses.

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    1. I love wordy responses to Friendly Friday Challenge, especially with a topic like this one.
      We have two cats as well and they demand their daily routine too. Sometimes I wonder who’s the boss of who 😉

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    1. It’s no wonder it’s a daily outing for some people 🙂 Keeping song birds as pets is a very Chinese thing. If you follow the video link, you’d see that bird market is well stocked with song birds and live crickets etc for bird feed. Do people keep song birds in your part of the world?


  4. I’m definitely a two cups of coffee before anything person
    I do love an FEB ..full English breakfast ..when I’m staying in a hotel with Buffett breakfast ..I think those days are a thing of the past now

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      1. If I could get there. Then I couldn’t get home again…. but that could be nice until the money ran out. Great challenge, Sandy. And I have to confess I am in the minority. Never used to be a morning person but once I had kids there was a reason to get up early and I absolutely love it. Now I can see the sunrise regularly and not be tired for work the next day.

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