New Fashion

So, I have been MIA for a while. Let’s just say that I haven’t been inspired. And I’ve been busy. And there’s been other things.

But this piece of food and shoe wear news demands sharing.

Here are two items that I would never ever put in my shop-cart.

Pringles potato chips … because it is a heart-stopping example of overprocessed and over-packaged food.

Croc shoes … because they’re clunky, plastic and unbearably ugly.

But marketing types think differently. Ingenious brand teams coupled food and shoe wear to birth a new fashion statement: Crocs with Pringle can holsters.

You know, for those times when you’re on the run and feel like a snack, that’s cheesy and sweaty socks flavored.

It’s a creative idea that I’d have never imagined.

And I admire those that did.

But I still won’t put Crocs and Pringles in my shop-cart.

Would you?

Photo: Crocs


  1. My first thoughts are all the germs that the street dust is gonna kick into the chips. Yikes and no. Second thought involves the fact that I don’t like Pringles or Crocs so Yikes and no for that reason, too! But first and foremost: germs! And sock sweat!

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    1. But did you not see the spoilers around the ankles?โ€‚That’s to minimize on the blow-back from dust andโ€‚splash-back from rain.โ€‚The Croc designers thought of everything!โ€‚;-)

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  2. In a little defense of Crocs, my podiatrist actually recommended them for me because they offer good support (I have high arches). I wear them as my house shoes. They’re so easy to get on/off. Plus, they come in some great colors now. I have a paisley pair and a purple pair with sparkles. But this Pringle can thing takes it to a whole ‘nother level!!

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  3. I find Crocs so ugly, I never understand why anyone would want a pair (except perhaps for gardening, but never to wear in public)! I have to admit to a fondness for Pringles however, although I take your point about the packaging. But this latest Crocs modification is clearly so bizarre it can only be a marketing trick!

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  4. I don’t think I’ll ever own a pair of crocs (never say never though right?) but I really admire their R&D and marketing team. This is something I wouldn’t have thought of and I’ve seen some other interesting add-on to crocs on social media! Little speakers that you stick into the front of your crocs and even the front thing on bulldozers so when you shuffle forwards, it clears the snow infront of you.

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    1. We’re like minds.โ€‚But I’m missing out on social media.โ€‚Speakers & snow shovels on shoes!โ€ƒI have an idea – bluetooth GPS with arrows to direct my feet … couple that with food in my shoes, I’m travel-ready for anywhere!

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