Friendly Friday: UNIQUE

I’m writing this on the the Thursday before Black Friday and it’s been awfully hard to settle on a challenge. So many distractions! Unlike my US neighbors, I haven’t been busy with Thanksgiving turkey and football. Instead I’m clicking on Black Friday sales. Lots of good and unique sales are popping up on my screen. Like $30 off a Kobo device which never goes on sale! (Got it!) 50% off a new KitchenAid (… too bad I already have.) $19.99 for a sports bag which would be nice for … (Wait. I need to focus. Focus. Challenge.)

For this week’s Friendly Friday Photo challenge the key word is UNIQUE. Tell me about something unusual or UNIQUE that you’ve seen, experienced or read about in your hometown or travels. Take (or borrow) a photo and describe what made it UNIQUE to you.

On the list of exotic and unique foods, Durian has got be in the top ten. On the list of exotic and stinky, it is #1. Nevertheless, I did try it several times during my seven year stay in Singapore. I even enjoyed it once, on my seventh and last try.

Durian (K.L, Malaysia)

In terms of unique experiences? That would be the fishy foot spa at a Japanese onsen. It was unusual and slightly uncomfortable.

Closer to home in Canada, autumn is the prettiest time of year for walking through the forest. One of the most impressive is Cathedral Grove with its ancient Douglas firs, the oldest of which is 800 years old. Alongside the fir trees and unique to the area, is the Bigleaf maple, one of the few deciduous trees in the park. It’s called Bigleaf for obvious reasons.

Closer to home in Toronto, Tim Horton’s had an unique story in the news recently. I’ve blogged before about Canada’s favorite coffee shop chain. There’s a Tim Horton’s at every major intersection in Toronto with quite a few on the streets in between. Toronto other favorite resident is the wily racoon and one day, this little critter decided to see what was behind the donut counter. His adventure was snapped on camera and he became a media sensation.

shecallsmedrew | Twitter Mike Clegg | Dreamstime

I look forward to reading your stories on UNIQUE foods, sights and experiences. And yes, if it was a really cool and unique buy, a fabulous Black Friday deal counts too!

If you’re new to Friendly Friday, full instructions on how to participate can be found here.

This week’s challenge for UNIQUE  goes up to Thursday, after which Amanda at StPA will post a new Friendly Friday challenge.

Toronto, Canada.  November 2020


    1. The Cathedral Grove I mention is the one on Vancouver Island. It is an awe inspiring walk, especially when you think that trees like that used to be all over the island. Unfortunately most were felled but this particular area was preserved. Of course the forests grew back and there’re many beautiful areas. Bears on the island are pretty common. Nearby my home there, they’re always around. It’s good to keep your distance though – it keeps them wild!

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          1. Gosh no, only that once! We were on a road trip in British Columbia – half in the Rockies, half on Vancouver Island (mainly Telegraph Cove and Tofino). It was a great trip but we tend not to go back to places (there are so many others on the list 😉 ) and especially those such a long way from home!

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  1. Two days ago I did something I never did before. Namely, wait over an hour on a LONG line that extended half a block down the sidewalk from a bakery store. Eventually I got to the bakery and bought a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. We had it last night. Delicious!

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    1. Its uncomfortable in that you want to recoil but can’t. Like being tickled and not allowed move. Or having a spider drop on your hand and not brushing it off … although if its an Australian spider I’d have to, for self preservation sake 😉


  2. The fact you’re mentioning Black Friday makes me want to comment as it has been such a huge subject these past weeks in France.
    Black Friday is now a “thing” too over here – has been for a few years – even though we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving either. But with our current second lockdown, there has been pressure to limit that Black Friday madness in order to make people realize buying these promotions (mainly online) wouldn’t help the small local businesses which were forced to close until further notice.
    There have also been so many debates about not being able to buy a Xmas tree, or toys for the children and gifts, and… etc
    So you know what I’m thinking would be UNIQUE? A low-key festive season, involving only an excess of demonstrative love and care instead of zillions of presents people might not even like or use.
    Here to a minimalist little unique Christmas!

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    1. I had heard about Black Friday blackout in France. It’s very progressive of your government.

      I am not a fan of retail excess myself and over the years, I’ve been more dismayed at the mass commercialisation of Christmas.

      If there ever was a greater need for Christmas cheer, this would be the year. Im not talking about presents. Rather festivity and thoughtfulnesss. People have already started decorating their homes for the season. In my neighborhood, I can see Christmas trees and fairy lights. In previous years I would have groaned “Its not even December.” This year I say “That’s nice. ”

      I will never advocate excessive Christmases – good riddance to cheap chocolates wrappped up in foil – but I do think everyone needs a little more Christmas spirit this year. Its going to be unique Christmas for sure.

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      1. You’re absolutely right. I hope you didn’t interpret my message against you personally enjoying the Black Friday shopping. I didn’t mean too. You’re right about people being early with the festivities and the need to make it special. That’s the reason why I hope many people will remember the most important thing is to be reunited.

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        1. I didn’t take offense, my skin’s much thicker than that. I have my own opinion about online shopping in general & it’s rooted in my background. However we both agree on the crucial point that Christmas is less about gift giving and more about people.

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