A Snowy Morning

It finally snowed. We’d been having a relatively mild winter this January. Dark and gloomy yes, but mild in that average daytime highs were 4o C and average lows were -2oC. Above zero temp’s mean little snow and even less accumulation. All that changed last week when in snowed.

The nice thing about fresh snow is how quiet it sounds. Unlike the wind and rain, snow falls lightly. While summer’s sunshine welcomes a cacaphony of wildlife (animal and human) fresh fallen snow blankets and muffles sound. Snow is best appreciated in early morning, bright with the winter’s sun, crisp and sleek with untrodden paths. Against a white backdrop, sturdy shoots look valiantly green and animal tracks invite attention.

In her latest vlog collaboration, Amanda’s pulled together morning scenes from around the world.

Kudo’s to Amanda for her first ever video compilation. Well Done!

If you have a look, you’ll see a bit more of my morning walk through the snow.

Toronto, Canada. February 2021


  1. Indeed, well done Amanda!
    We might get some snow here in Brittany this week – which is a rare treat!! The temperatures are going to feel extremely cold (around 8°F) so quite extraordinary!


  2. Lovely snowy photos. We don’t get snow in my hometown but if we drive for only 30mins we are already in snowy places. However, we still didn’t do it so far this year, kids sick or terrible weather or something


    1. We have a tradition here on February 2 to check-in with Wiarton Willie (a groundhog) on when spring will come. Wiarton did not see his shadow this year, so he predicts an early spring – 6 weeks from now!

      You are way ahead of us in Seattle 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A beautiful description that had me there in my mind. I so adore the fresh snow in the mornings. I miss that soft squealchy muffled sound of the snow on boots. Your contribution to the video was very much appreciated and was given the honour of the crescendo at the end of the video. Loved your text too and I hope I did it justice.


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