In the News

An escaped kangaroo was captured east of Toronto after running loose for three days. During a transfer from a local zoo in Oshawa, the animal made a run jump for freedom. Hours afterwards, drivers were startled by the unusual sight of a kangaroo hopping along the highway.

Kangaroo sightings are extremely rare in Canada. However, it’s not the first time that exotic and non-indigenous species have roamed the city.

No, I’m not referring to Caribana. Sorry, inside joke. Displaced Jamaicans will understand …

Capybaras, llamas, wallabies and yaks have made similar quests for freedom. Eventually, they all made it back to safety.

Although I’m not sure if they were re-captured, so much as returned voluntarily.

This past week also heralded the arrival of cold winter temperatures. Brrr! If I was a kangaroo on the loose, I’d surrender into custody too.


  1. Poor boomer! Stuck in a wintry landscape totally unknown. Where is the sun? Where is the grass and plains? I did have to laugh at this: “Kangaroo sightings are extremely rare in Canada.” You made me laugh Sandy. I wish I was the kangaroo with heatwaves and cyclones expected in coming days.

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    1. I’m always glad to make you chuckle ๐Ÿ™‚ Heatwaves and cyclones! That must get in the way of your Christmas BBQs on the beach. Hopefully you can hole up indoors where there’s A/C.

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  2. We had peacocks roaming the forest when Iโ€™d just moved here from the tropics as a kid. So I just thought they were part of Finnish fauna. I was a grownup when I found out that, no, peacocks donโ€™t actually belong to the north. They had escaped the zoo. (We lived near it.) I havenโ€™t seen any wild peacocks in ages, though. Hope they lived happily ever afterโ€ฆ

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