Weather Report

Uncommonly cold weather continues in British Columbia.

On Thursday, Vancouver’s day time high of 10.5oC broke a 58-year-old record and was accompanied by heavy rain and dense cloud cover.

On Vancouver Island, century old weather records were broken in Nanaimo and Port Alberni, as temperatures refused to get past 9oC.

All those clouds make for dramatic beach skies.

Wick Beach, Vancouver Island. May 2022


  1. Looks chilly, but makes for great sky photos! I don’t know what’s happening with our weather. Yesterday was like summer in London, today it’s wet and nowhere near as warm ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

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  2. Here in Hawaii we whine when it drops into the low sixties Fahrenheit and I make no apologies for that. It’s brutal! Love that top photo by the way. Reminds me of many beach walks I’ve taken in England and in Washington State!

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  3. At first I was confused thinking you were being sarcastic. Lol. Silly me.It is unnaturally warm down our way, so it seems often the case that the weather is diametrically opposed by hemispheres. Where is our treasured winter? No sign of it yet. Just like your summer. I am still in shorts and T-shirts, (when I am nor wearing the dress!)

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    1. Why are all the seasons late? Where are they going!
      I’ve been thinking about your 100 day dress challenge. How’s it going? I was thinking it’s an impossible challenge, except I may have been wearing my slacky track pants and top for just as long … with far less style ๐Ÿ™‚

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      1. The seasons are all over the place and this was anticipated with climate change. Wild weather of all kinds, hey? Interrupted seasons, longer seasons, shorter seasons.
        The challenge is going well. I have posted quite a bit on insta – the feed is in my sideline.
        I am really enjoying it. Yes, really! Day 20 today. One fifth of the way through.

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    1. I’m actually not complaining. It’s just that I left Toronto which was sunny, bright and warm, spring at its best. However, the city has nothting to compare to the vistas here ๐Ÿ™‚

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